MP3 ALBUM | Tuning Fork Solfeggio Sound Healing

ā‚¹1,020.42 ā‚¹765.32

This 12 track album includes a 33:33 minute MP3 of each of the 9 Solfeggio frequency + 432 Hz tuning forks. Then a 33:33 minute track has all 9 Solfeggio frequency tuning forks in the same track. And finally, a 1 hour track adds 432 Hz to the 9 Solfeggio frequencies.

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  1. 174 Hz Tuning Fork to Help Relieve Pain, Stress and Tension
  2. 285 Hz Tuning Fork to Help Heal Tissue, Organs and Cells
  3. 396 Hz Tuning Fork to Help Release Fear and Guilt
  4. 417 Hz Tuning Fork to Help Support Change and Remove Negative Energy
  5. 528 Hz Tuning Fork to Help with Miracles, Transformations and DNA Repair
  6. 639 Hz Tuning Fork to Help Attract Love and Connection
  7. 741 Hz Tuning Fork to Help with Creative Expression and Clarity
  8. 852 Hz Tuning Fork to Help Awaken Intuition and Inner Guidance
  9. 963 Hz Tuning Fork to Help with Enlightenment, Oneness and Pineal Gland Activation
  10. Tuning Fork Sound Healing with All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies
  11. 1 Month Challenge šŸ† Daily Tuning Forks with All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies + 432 Hz
  12. 432 Hz Tuning Fork


DISCLAIMER: This audio may impair ability. Do not use it while driving, operating machinery, or engaging in activities that require your full attention. This audio and information is for entertainment and spiritual purposes only, and is not intended to replace the medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or recommendations of your physician or healthcare provider. If you have a medical or psychological condition, consult with a healthcare professional before watching this video. This audio and information makes no claims to prevent, treat, or cure disease and makes no scientific claims. Use at your own risk.