MP3 ALBUM | Tuning Forks with Healing Frequencies


Tuning forks and healing frequencies have a symbiotic relationship. Combining them creates a harmonious, immersive experience.

This 4 track album includes an MP3 of each track.

*If new tracks are added to this album, you will receive them even when the price goes up.

The Rife frequencies in these tracks are from the Spooky2 database. There are different ways to receive frequencies beyond listening to audio. The transmission modes available through Spooky2 products include plasma, contact, remote, cold laser and PEMF. Want to explore Spooky2 products? Visit Spooky2 and get 5% off with this coupon code: thinkroot (This is an affiliate link — if you make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. Thank you for your support!)

⬇ See the full tracklist below 'Add to Cart' button.



  1. Enhanced Weight Loss Using Fat Burning Frequencies + Tuning Forks
  2. 3 Must-Try Healing Frequencies for DNA Repair Including 528 Hz Tuning Fork
  3. These Frequencies May Help Your Cold & Flu Symptoms! (285 Hz + 528 Hz Tuning Forks)
  4. Can these frequencies DESTROY Parasites? 285 Hz + 444 Hz Tuning Forks


DISCLAIMER: This audio may impair ability. Do not use it while driving, operating machinery, or engaging in activities that require your full attention. This audio and information is for entertainment and spiritual purposes only, and is not intended to replace the medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or recommendations of your physician or healthcare provider. If you have a medical or psychological condition, consult with a healthcare professional before watching this video. This audio and information makes no claims to prevent, treat, or cure disease and makes no scientific claims. Use at your own risk.