Guide | Brainwave States and Benefits

65,45 kr. DKK

This in-depth guide will help you chose which brainwave entrainment audio to listen to based on your desired benefits.


  • 2 PDF Versions of the Full Guide (one is colorful and the other is print-friendly)
  • PDF Summary Guide
  • PDF Chart for Quick Reference
  • Bonus MP3 "Peaceful Change" Bundle

*BONUS — Includes MP3 download of the "Peaceful Change" bundle, which is 8 versions of the same song; each version uses brainwave entrainment techniques (binaural beats and monaural beats) to help inspire different brainwave states (Lambda 150 Hz, Gamma 65 Hz, Beta 21 Hz, Alpha 10 Hz, Theta 6 Hz, Delta 2 Hz and Epsilon 0.3 Hz) and one version is music only. Which brainwave state will you choose to help you usher in change today?

More details

Have you ever wondered why specific frequencies are used for binaural beats?

Binaural beats and other brainwave entrainment methods (i.e. monaural beats and isochronic tones) use frequencies that correspond with brainwave states. Different brainwave states have different associated benefits.

When you listen to brainwave entrainment audio, your brain engages in frequency following response. This synchronizes YOUR brain to the specific frequency, which puts you into the corresponding brainwave state.

This means that you can actually CHANGE how you feel JUST BY LISTENING.

The Brainwave States and Associated Benefits Guide goes DEEPER than what you'll find out there.

I included all of the known 7 brainwave states: Lambda, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Epsilon. But I also broke Beta into 2 categories (low and mid-high), because they are drastically different states. AND I added 7.83 Hz Alpha-Theta brainwave state, because I find it incredibly powerful.

(Similar guides only include 5 brainwaves states: Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.)